Welcome to our fun-filled
website questionnaire!
It's like a first date, but without the awkward silence. Let's get to know each other better!

Contact Information:
Project Description:
Select the package for creating your website:
Package 1 (Business Card Website):
  • 1 page (up to 8 blocks)
  • (Within 1 week)
  • From 800$ plus 150$ for service and domain
Package 2:
  • Up to 5 pages
  • Up to 12 blocks per page
  • (Within 2 weeks)
  • From 1800 + $150 for service and domain
Package 3:
  • Menu
  • Up to 15 pages
  • Website animation
  • (Within 3 weeks)
  • From 2500 + $150 for service and domain
Design and Content:
Insert a link to Google Drive (please note, provide access to anyone with the link).
Insert a link to Google Drive (please note, provide access to anyone with the link).
Insert a link to Google Docks (please note, provide access to anyone with the link).
(e.g., gallery, blog, contact forms, etc.).
List of general sections that can be placed on the website.
Check the boxes for the blocks you would like to have on your site.
Hero Section:
About Us:
Portfolio or Gallery:
Contact Form:
Contact Information:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Product/Service Features:
Call to Action (CTA):
Partners or Clients:
By clicking the button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy.
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